Thursday, September 17, 2009

Self Fulfilling Prophecy

The phrase of today is self fulfilling prophecy! I had one of the worst raiding experiences of my raiding career tonight and I blame it entirely upon the very negative attitude that was highly prevalent in vent. I believe this negativity had given the raiders low self-efficacy which lead to horribly dismal performances. It's one thing to tell someone that they did something wrong, but it's completely unnecessary to berate them incessantly in front of everyone. If someone makes a mistake, I'm sure they already feel embarrassed and terrible about it already without some hypocrite calling them a "fucking retarded moron who is terrible." It really isn't necessary for all these meaningless insults to fly around vent and I believe that this beratement obliterated everyone's focus which lead to all these wipes. Only helpful criticism should be shared in public channels in order to avoid the soul-crushing defeat that I am sure all of our raiders faced tonight. The officers in the guild (one in particular) lack discipline and should try to restrain themselves from uttering such abysmal abuse. If the officers were able to dispense constructive criticism and proper encouragement, I have no doubt that we would have defeated Yogg + 1 with no issues. What officers should keep in mind is that self-efficacy is very fragile and easily eroded.

Now, on to the raid; every single attempt had a mistake in it which inevitably lead to a wipe each time. The most unbelievable part of this was that the people who were making these constant mistakes are the ones who normally expose, embarrass, and humiliate people for making the same exact mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. That's bang on the money. It's actually harmful to the chance of raid success to grind people down.
    If you abuse someone over a mistake, they lose confidence AND are more worried about avoiding the abuse than about avoiding the mistake. Not a helpful frame of mind to be in.

    If someone is good enough to be in a good raiding guild, they're not going to be unaware that they cocked up in the first place.

    If you need to use Failbot for analysis - put it to a private channel and whisp the offenders a heads up post try.
